
Which Radio Traffic System Is Right for You?

Your radio traffic system is the core of your business operations. It can be the solution that streamlines and integrates or the barrier to modernization. Traffic software has evolved significantly since its debut decades ago. Are you stuck with a system that’s holding you and more revenue generation back?

The Cost of Switching Radio Traffic Systems Is High, but the Cost of Staying Is Higher

Migrating to a new radio traffic platform may seem like an obstacle you don’t want to face, but what do you lose by sticking with a system that lets you down every day? Some traffic companies don’t even offer a solution made for radio, which makes them overly complex and anything but user-friendly.

Most lack critical integration capabilities with third-party digital, sales tools, data management software and more. Further, innovation and investment by many providers remain at zero, so you’re always behind in creating a flexible, scalable and agile solution.

Migrating and transitioning to a new platform requires energy and resources. We’re experts at this, providing dedicated resources who have worked in radio traffic for decades.

So, how do you know what the right system is for you?

broken helmet

Selecting the Best Radio Traffic System: What to Consider

Our three traffic platforms offer a solution for every station, no matter your size, structure or unique needs. Identifying the best fit for you comes down to the criteria defined below.

traffic logos

What’s Your Traffic Operations Structure?

In addition to order volume, your traffic operations structure is a critical consideration.

How Does Market Size or Number of Stations Impact the Traffic System That’s Right for You?

Marketron’s traffic systems focus more on the structure and volume of ad sales rather than how many markets or stations you own. The ideal traffic solution for your organization depends more on your user makeup.

Some stations have many users, including traffic managers, continuity specialists, salespeople and sales managers. Others only have traffic roles working within the system. Your sales volume also influences the best platform for you, regardless of how many stations you operate. Our traffic experts will consider all of this when suggesting a product.


How Do You Want Payment Capabilities to Work?

Modern traffic systems have adopted electronic invoicing and payments. It reduces inefficiencies and costs associated with paper billing and can decrease your days outstanding. Healthy cash flow starts with online invoicing and payments.

Each radio solution from Marketron offers PayNow integrations and all its features. Marketron Traffic is the best option if you need additional features like multistation invoicing and automatic import of payments to AR.

What Traffic Reporting Features Do You Need?

All our solutions deliver robust reporting, including:

Real-time data and analytics

Reporting options for sales, inventory and missing copy

Custom report building

Other specialized reporting options include:

multimarket reporting
automated report

What Ad Tactics Do You Sell?

Our traffic systems enable easy selling across radio spots, owned and operated (O&O) inventory and third-party digital.

All three traffic systems manage over-the-air (OTA) ads. You’ll gain the most flexibility with Marketron NXT on Visual Traffic and Marketron Traffic. For O&O, opt for Marketron Traffic.

What Other Radio Traffic Features Do You Want?

There’s much more functionality to discover with our traffic products.

Proof of performance for past spots


Marketron Traffic, RadioTraffic™ and Visual Traffic

Proof of performance for future spots


Marketron Traffic and Visual Traffic



Marketron Traffic, RadioTraffic™ and Visual Traffic

Network bartering


Marketron Traffic, RadioTraffic™ and Visual Traffic

Automated network and invoice affidavit processing


Marketron Traffic, RadioTraffic™ and Visual Traffic

Automated log scheduling tool


Marketron Traffic and Visual Traffic

Multi-level order approval process


Marketron Traffic and Visual Traffic

Rolled-up reporting for multiple markets


Marketron Traffic

Access to traffic hubbing


Marketron Traffic and Visual Traffic

Platform consulting services


Marketron Traffic

View a Complete Comparison of Traffic Systems

Traffic Comparison Guide

Why Marketron Is the Leader in Radio Traffic

Building a sustainable and growth-focused traffic solution involves software, integrations, robust features, services and more. When it can do all those things, you create a connected ecosystem that serves your needs today and tomorrow.

That’s what we’ve been developing at Marketron for decades, and we have the most experienced traffic experts as part of our team. You get responsive and knowledgeable support from people who know the industry.

Don’t spend another year with a traffic system that only causes problems and isn’t working for you. Trust the leader in radio traffic to be your guide.



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