Streamlined radio traffic and billing solutions for broadcasters

By automating and simplifying radio trafficking and billing workflows, your station can save time and resources, maximize inventory, and easily access necessary data. Our radio traffic management solutions offer broadcasters of all sizes the functionality to negotiate and schedule advertising for the greatest value.

Empower your business and drive efficiency

Broadcasters need efficient and reliable traffic and billing solutions. Our radio traffic platforms provide this, with features like real-time access to consolidated sales, inventory and billing data, as well as a multi-layered security approach and top-tier support.

Explore our three trusted platforms to find the one that works best for your organization.


Marketron Traffic

Radio’s most trusted traffic and revenue management solution

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Visual Traffic

A complete traffic and revenue management solution

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An affordable traffic and revenue management solution

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Podcast Ad Management

Monetize your stations’ podcasts

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Electronic Services

Electronic Services

A suite of innovative solutions that layer on top of Marketron’s traffic platforms to further automate and streamline workflows

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Which Radio Traffic System Is Right for You?

Find Out

Learn about solutions that can increase your ad revenue, while seamlessly integrating with your Marketron traffic platform.

Ask how our radio traffic solutions
can serve you.

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