For Sales ManagersPress Release

Marketron Introduces ROI Calculator for Forecasting OTA and Digital Revenue and Comparing Results to Industry Averages

By August 8, 2022July 8th, 2024No Comments3 min read

HAILEY, IdahoAugust 8, 2022 — Marketron, the broadcast industry’s leading technology provider for more scalable, predictable, and reliable revenue, today announced the availability of its ROI Calculator. Anyone in charge of sales data — sales managers, GSMs, senior vice presidents of sales, digital sales managers — could use this calculator to understand their company’s potential by benchmarking against others in the industry based on current revenue. This calculator is simple to use and impactful to broadcast and media companies because it allows them to benchmark their results with industry averages. In just minutes, they will gain valuable insights to help inform budgets for years to come.

Understanding revenue potential for advertising is critical for any broadcast company. Two aspects make up projections: over-the-air (OTA) revenue and third-party (audience extension) digital revenue. Marketron created this calculator to help broadcasters look into the future of their revenue and understand the impact of third-party digital, especially if the station isn’t currently selling it.

The tool makes it possible to create realistic projections for OTA and third-party digital revenue based on the broadcaster’s 2021 actuals. Using information from BIA Advisory Services, eMarketer, and other industry sources, the calculator takes the data entered and projects revenue for both inventory types through 2024.

Marketron’s ROI Calculator is easy to use and more effective than the alternative: internal projections that don’t have built-in industry data to help benchmark against similar-size companies. Broadcasters simply plug in their total OTA revenue from 2021 and third-party digital revenue from 2021 (Marketron supplies a base if the station didn’t do third-party digital in 2021), and the calculator will quickly provide the data. It includes a comparison of large-, medium-, or small-company projections so sales managers can see how their company stacks up.

“Marketron exists to support the broadcast and media industry’s transformation and to help drive broadcast and digital revenue. The ROI Calculator is another Marketron tool to help further that goal,” said Todd Kalman, senior vice president of sales at Marketron. “It’s something any executive or sales leader should want to use to compare to the industry and to gain insight into strategies that will help them thrive now and in years to come.”

Sales executives may use Marketron’s ROI Calculator immediately by going to

More information about Marketron and the company’s products is available at

ROI Calculator


About Marketron
Marketron empowers innovators in the broadcast and media industry to strengthen their market leadership by delivering more scalable, predictable and reliable revenue. With Marketron’s products and services, users can successfully propose, price and execute multimedia advertising campaigns across all revenue streams including television, radio, O&O and digital media. With 50 years of industry leadership, Marketron serves more than 6,000 media organizations globally and manages $5 billion in annual U.S. advertising revenue representing more than 1 million advertisers. Marketron is owned by Diversis Capital. More information is available at

Marketron Contact
Christine Pecher
Director of Marketing

Tel: +1 208 788 6874

Agency Contact
Joseph Lesieutre
Wall Street Communications

Tel: +1 408 799 3355

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