Every media company depends on technology to drive efficiency and revenue. Some of these solutions, like radio traffic platforms, have been in the picture for decades. Their origins were simple — building a way to schedule ads into programming. You needed visibility into available inventory and a way to ensure the right spots ran when they should have.

Much has happened since then. As you’ve grown and evolved, your technology has had to keep pace. However, that has not been the story for all providers. A system that’s “good enough” means you must settle, creating more challenges for your organization.

That’s not where we stand on radio traffic platforms. We are investing and innovating to evolve with you. Here’s what we’re doing to make our traffic products even better.

Our Traffic Solutions Integrate with Systems to Create Your Ecosystem

Traffic systems shouldn’t operate in a silo. Rather, they should be the hub of all your ad operations. To do this, they must easily integrate with other applications. Unfortunately, many traffic platforms don’t have this capability, or the costs and work to do this are prohibitive.

We believe that for a traffic department to operate effectively, it needs connections to:

  • Payment solutions that enable your accounting staff to bill quickly, send invoices electronically and receive money online
  • Third-party digital platforms that allow sellers to create cross-channel proposals with radio and digital tactics in one document
  • Other advertiser-focused applications like CRM (customer relationship management) software
  • Production workflow automation modules that streamline the process

We’re working to build a complete ecosystem that meets your integration requirements for today and tomorrow.

Our Radio Traffic Systems Account for the Entire Life Cycle

Many radio traffic systems have similar features and functionality, but they rarely cover the entire life cycle of ad operations. This can put stations in the position of purchasing more add-ons, which increase operating costs.

An end-to-end system eliminates these challenges by enabling you to:

  • Automate order entry, billing and delivery reports.
  • Use your traffic system for invoicing and payments.
  • Reduce credits and makegoods by processing network orders and affidavits.
  • Support workflow collaboration between sales and traffic departments.

You can expect these capabilities from our portfolio of products, and we’ve continued to improve these by listening to our clients and acting on their feedback.

We’re Continuously Adding and Improving

Radio traffic systems have been in the market for decades. However, there’s a misconception that there’s nothing left to innovate or improve. Some providers stopped adding or enhancing functionality long ago. We see this technology as foundational to those we serve. Regardless of the age of a system, there are always opportunities to expand.

Key areas of focus regarding broadcast traffic features for us include:

  • Customization of station-specific scheduling criteria with algorithms
  • Automated log reconciliation, which can prevent fraud risk
  • Optimization tools to increase inventory value
  • Real-time reporting and analytics to improve decision making
  • Multi-order approval process workflows to save time and decrease workloads
  • Cloud-based systems that allow secure access from anywhere and update automatically
  • Proof of performance automation
  • Extended order management for sellers’ use

Along with integrations and end-to-end systems, these features ensure your team can be more productive and effective.

We’re Building a Complete Ecosystem for Linear Ad Management

Our traffic platforms offer a solution for every station, no matter your size, structure or unique needs. They have the capabilities and features to be the heart of linear ad management. From consolidating functionality to optimizing rates to making it easy to collect payments, our solutions ensure that your media company can rely on them today and tomorrow.

Learn more about how we’re investing and innovating by reading our e-book, The Modern Traffic Department.

Get the e-book
The Modern Traffic Department: How Optimized, Innovative Technology Meets Your Needs for Now and the Future
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